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Weather in Ontario, Canada

Provincial Capital


2 °C

Light rain. Mostly cloudy.

Feels Like: -4 °C
Forecast: 3 / 1 °C
Wind: 28 km/h from East

Province: Ontario
Province High: 6 °C Rainy River
Province Low: 0 °C Nipigon
Max Wind: 52 km/h Ajax

Weather in Ontario (63 Locations)

Ajax *Wed 21:41Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °CHuntsville *Wed 21:41Light mixture of precip. Overcast. Chilly.1 °CPeterborough *Wed 21:41Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.1 °C
AtikokanWed 20:41Quite cool.5 °CKawartha Lakes *Wed 21:41Chilly.1 °CPickering *Wed 21:41Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °C
Barrie *Wed 21:41Chilly.1 °CKenora *Wed 20:41Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °CPickle LakeWed 20:41Chilly.1 °C
Belleville *Wed 21:41Light rain. Fog. Chilly.1 °CKingston *Wed 21:41Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.1 °CRainy River *Wed 20:41Clear. Quite cool.6 °C
Brampton *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.2 °CKirkland Lake *Wed 21:41Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.0 °CRichmond Hill *Wed 21:41Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °C
Brantford *Wed 21:41Light rain. Low clouds. Chilly.4 °CKitchener *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °CSarnia *Wed 21:41Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °C
Brockville *Wed 21:41Chilly.1 °CLondon *Wed 21:41Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °CSault Ste. Marie *Wed 21:41Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °C
Burlington *Wed 21:41Quite cool.5 °CMarkham *Wed 21:41Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °CSt. Catharines *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.5 °C
Caledon *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.2 °CMilton *Wed 21:41Quite cool.5 °CSt. Joseph *Wed 21:41Fog. Quite cool.6 °C
Cambridge *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °CMississauga *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.2 °CSt. Thomas *Wed 21:41Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °C
Chatham-Kent *Wed 21:41Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CNewmarket *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.2 °CStratford *Wed 21:41Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °C
Clarington *Wed 21:41Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.1 °CNiagara Falls *Wed 21:41Light rain. Low clouds. Quite cool.5 °CTemiskaming Shores *Wed 21:41Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.0 °C
Cornwall *Wed 21:41Chilly.1 °CNipigon *Wed 21:41Chilly.0 °CThunder Bay *Wed 21:41Light snow. Overcast. Chilly.1 °C
Dryden *Wed 20:41Passing clouds. Chilly.3 °CNorfolk *Wed 21:41Chilly.4 °CTimmins *Wed 21:41Light snow. Dense fog. Chilly.0 °C
Goderich *Wed 21:41Chilly.4 °CNorth Bay *Wed 21:41Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.0 °CToronto *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.2 °C
Gravenhurst *Wed 21:41Light mixture of precip. Overcast. Chilly.1 °COakville *Wed 21:41Quite cool.5 °CUxbridge *Wed 21:41Chilly.1 °C
Greater Sudbury *Wed 21:41Light snow. Fog. Chilly.0 °COrillia *Wed 21:41Chilly.1 °CVaughan *Wed 21:41Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °C
Guelph *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °COshawa *Wed 21:41Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °CWaterloo *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °C
Haldimand *Wed 21:41Light rain. Low clouds. Chilly.4 °COttawa *Wed 21:41Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °CWelland *Wed 21:41Quite cool.5 °C
Halton Hills *Wed 21:41Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.2 °COwen Sound *Wed 21:41Sprinkles. Fog. Chilly.2 °CWhitby *Wed 21:41Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °C
Hamilton *Wed 21:41Light rain. Low clouds. Chilly.4 °CPembroke *Wed 21:41Chilly.0 °CWindsor *Wed 21:41Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C