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Moon Light World Map

The map below shows where the Moon is visible from the Earth, depending on weather conditions and moon phases.

Map showing which part of the Earth the Moon is currently above the horizon at.

UTC time = Thursday, 17 October 2024, 11:10:00.

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March equinox | June solstice | September equinox | December solstice

Sun symbol = The Sun's position directly overhead (zenith) in relation to an observer.

Moon symbol = The Moon's position at its zenith in relation to an observer (Moon phase is not shown).

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Moon phase

Fraction of moon illuminated: 100%

Previous phaseFirst QuarterThursday, 10 October 2024, 18:55
Next phaseFull MoonThursday, 17 October 2024, 11:26

Position of the Moon: Sublunar Point

On Thursday, 17 October 2024, 11:10:00 UTC the Moon is at its zenith at Latitude: 10° 57' North, Longitude: 171° 57' West

The ground speed is currently 439.20 meters/second, 1581.1 kilometres/hour, 982.5 miles/hour or 853.7 nautical miles/hour (knots). The table below shows position of the the Moon compared to the time and date above:

TimeLongitude DifferenceLatitude DifferenceTotal
1 minute0° 14' 27.7"26.35 kmWest0° 00' 17.0"0.53 kmNorth26.35 km
1 hour14° 27' 42.5"1580.59 kmWest0° 17' 05.2"31.50 kmNorth1580.14 km
24 hours13° 13' 18.1"1445.07 kmEast6° 26' 05.2"711.96 kmNorth1594.07 km

Locations with the Moon near zenith

The following table shows 10 locations with moon near zenith position in the sky.

LocationLocal TimeDistanceDirection
Baker IslandWed 23:101291 km802 miles697 nmSouth-southwest SSW
MajuroThu 23:101881 km1168 miles1015 nmWest-southwest WSW
HonoluluThu 01:101892 km1176 miles1022 nmNortheast NE
KiritimatiFri 01:101903 km1183 miles1028 nmEast-southeast ESE
TarawaThu 23:101969 km1224 miles1063 nmWest-southwest WSW
MidwayThu 00:101992 km1238 miles1076 nmNorth-northwest NNW
FakaofoFri 00:102248 km1397 miles1214 nmSouth S
FunafutiThu 23:102366 km1470 miles1277 nmSouth-southwest SSW
Wake IslandThu 23:102474 km1537 miles1336 nmWest-northwest WNW
YarenThu 23:102661 km1653 miles1437 nmWest-southwest WSW

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