Temperatures and Weather in Europe

Forecast for today, tomorrow, next 14 days, and much more...

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Hong Kong28 °CScattered clouds.Thu 09:17:02
New York6 °CLight rain. Fog.Wed 21:17:02
London9 °CLight rain. Low clouds.Thu 02:17:02
Tokyo14 °CLight rain. Partly sunny.Thu 10:17:02

Local Time and Weather in Europe

A Coruña *Thu 03:17Drizzle. Overcast. Cool.15 °CLisbon *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Cool.14 °C
Aachen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CLiverpool *Thu 02:17Light rain. Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
Aalborg *Thu 03:17Low clouds. Chilly.3 °CLivno *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.14 °C
Aalen *Thu 03:17Light rain. Partly cloudy. Cool.10 °CLjubljana *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.12 °C
Aalst *Thu 03:17Light rain. Overcast. Cool.10 °CLódz *Thu 03:17Overcast. Quite cool.5 °C
Aarau *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.11 °CLondon *Thu 02:17Light rain. Low clouds. Cool.9 °C
Aarhus *Thu 03:17Drizzle. Low clouds. Chilly.4 °CLondonderry *Thu 02:17Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
AkureyriThu 01:17Clear. Cold.-12 °CLongyearbyen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Frigid.-13 °C
Albufeira *Thu 02:17Clear. Cool.14 °CLos Llanos de Aridane *Thu 02:17Clear. Mild.18 °C
Ålesund *Thu 03:17Light snow. Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °CLoures *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Cool.14 °C
Alicante *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.13 °CLübeck *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °C
Almería *Thu 03:17Cool.15 °CLucerne *Thu 03:17Sprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
Altdorf *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.9 °CLüdenscheid *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Amsterdam *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CLudwigsburg *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Antwerp *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CLudwigshafen *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.12 °C
Appenzell *Thu 03:17Chilly.-2 °CLugano *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °C
Argostoli *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.15 °CLünen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
ArkhangelskThu 04:17Heavy snow. Overcast. Cold.-8 °CLuxembourg *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Arlon *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CLyon *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Arnsberg *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CMadrid *Thu 03:17Clear. Quite cool.6 °C
Aschaffenburg *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CMagdeburg *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Assisi *Thu 03:17Quite cool.5 °CMagnitogorskThu 06:17Passing clouds. Chilly.-1 °C
AstrakhanThu 05:17Clear. Quite cool.7 °CMainz *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °C
Athens *Thu 04:17Cool.15 °CMakhachkalaThu 04:17Clear. Cool.15 °C
Augsburg *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.10 °CMalatyaThu 04:17Clear. Mild.17 °C
Ávila *Thu 03:17Chilly.3 °CMalmö *Thu 03:17Light snow. Overcast. Chilly.1 °C
BabruyskThu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.4 °CManchester *Thu 02:17Light rain. Partly cloudy. Cool.8 °C
Baden-Baden *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CMannheim *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.12 °C
Banja Luka *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CMarburg *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
BaranovichiThu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.2 °CMaribor *Thu 03:17Cool.12 °C
Barcelona *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.13 °CMariupol *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
BarysawThu 04:17Light rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °CMarl *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Basel *Thu 03:17Cool.12 °CMarseille *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.12 °C
Bastia *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.8 °CMelilla *Thu 03:17Cool.15 °C
BatumiThu 05:17N/AMilan *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
Bayreuth *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °CMinden *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Belfast *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CMinskThu 04:17Light rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °C
Belgrade *Thu 03:17Refreshingly cool.16 °CMiskolc *Thu 03:17Refreshingly cool.13 °C
Bellinzona *Thu 03:17Chilly.3 °CModena *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.11 °C
Belushya GubaThu 04:17Passing clouds. Frigid.-19 °CMoers *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Benidorm *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.13 °CMogilevThu 04:17Sprinkles. Overcast. Chilly.1 °C
Bergamo *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CMonaco *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.12 °C
Bergen *Thu 03:17Chilly.3 °CMönchengladbach *Thu 03:17Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °C
Bergheim *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.9 °CMontreux *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °C
Bergisch Gladbach *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CMonza *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
Berlin *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CMoscowThu 04:17Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
Bern *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CMostar *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
Biel *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °CMülheim *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
Bielefeld *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °CMülheim / Ruhr *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Bijeljina *Thu 03:17Overcast. Refreshingly cool.13 °CMunich *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Birmingham *Thu 02:17Cool.7 °CMünster *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Bitola *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.8 °CMurmanskThu 04:17Passing clouds. Extremely cold.-25 °C
Bocholt *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CMykolaiv *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.8 °C
Bochum *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CNantes *Thu 03:17Rain. Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
Bologna *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.11 °CNaples *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.11 °C
Bolzano *Thu 03:17Quite cool.6 °CNarva *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.-3 °C
Bonn *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CNæstved *Thu 03:17Light rain. Overcast. Chilly.3 °C
Bordeaux *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.14 °CNeubrandenburg *Thu 03:17Low clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
BorgarnesThu 01:17Chilly.0 °CNeuchâtel *Thu 03:17Cool.7 °C
Bottrop *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CNeumünster *Thu 03:17Low clouds. Cool.10 °C
Bratislava *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.13 °CNeuss *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Braunschweig *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CNeustadt an der Weinstraße *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.12 °C
Brașov *Thu 04:17Overcast. Cool.8 °CNeuwied *Thu 03:17Quite cool.7 °C
Bregenz *Thu 03:17Cool.11 °CNice *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.12 °C
Bremen *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CNicosia *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.15 °C
Bremerhaven *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CNikšić *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
Brescia *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CNizhny NovgorodThu 04:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
BrestThu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.2 °CNiš *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.11 °C
Bristol *Thu 02:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CNorderstedt *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Brno *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °CNordhorn *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °C
Bruck an der Leitha *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.12 °CNorth Nicosia *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.15 °C
Brussels *Thu 03:17Light rain. Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CNovgorodThu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.-3 °C
BryanskThu 04:17Fog. Quite cool.7 °CNovi Sad *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.13 °C
Brăila *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CNovo Mesto *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °C
Bucharest *Thu 04:17Clear. Refreshingly cool.13 °CNovorossiyskThu 04:17Clear. Quite cool.7 °C
Budapest *Thu 03:17Light rain. Clear. Cool.11 °CNuremberg *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Burgas *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.14 °COberhausen *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
BursaThu 04:17Clear. Cool.10 °COdense *Thu 03:17Light rain. Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
Bălți *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °COffenbach *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
Cadiz *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.13 °COffenburg *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.13 °C
Cagliari *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °COhrid *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Cahul *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °COldenburg *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
Cannes *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °COlomouc *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °C
Capri *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.14 °COmagh *Thu 02:17Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
Cardiff *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Cool.10 °COradea *Thu 04:17Partly cloudy. Cool.12 °C
Cascais *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Cool.14 °COsijek *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.12 °C
Castrop-Rauxel *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °COslo *Thu 03:17Chilly.-2 °C
Cazin *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °COsnabrück *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Celje *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °COstrava *Thu 03:17Light rain. Overcast. Cool.9 °C
Celle *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °CPaderborn *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °C
Ceuta *Thu 03:17Cool.16 °CPalermo *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.14 °C
Châlons-en-Champagne *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.12 °CPalma (ES-Majorca) *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
Charleroi *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CPamplona *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
CheboksaryThu 04:17Overcast. Cool.12 °CParis *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.13 °C
Cheltenham *Thu 02:17Light rain. Low clouds. Cool.7 °CParma *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.14 °C
Chemnitz *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °CPassau *Thu 03:17Cool.8 °C
Chernihiv *Thu 04:17Overcast. Cool.10 °CPatras *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.11 °C
Chernivtsi *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CPeize *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
Chernobyl *Thu 04:17Overcast. Cool.10 °CPforzheim *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Chieti *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CPiatra Neamț *Thu 04:17Cool.8 °C
Chișinău *Thu 04:17Clear. Quite cool.7 °CPiraeus *Thu 04:17Cool.13 °C
Chur *Thu 03:17Cool.8 °CPisa *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Cluj-Napoca *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CPlauen *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.8 °C
Cologne *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CPleven *Thu 04:17Overcast. Cool.11 °C
Copenhagen *Thu 03:17Drizzle. Overcast. Chilly.3 °CPljevlja *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.9 °C
Córdoba *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CPloiești *Thu 04:17Cool.11 °C
Cork *Thu 02:17Drizzle. Low clouds. Cool.7 °CPlovdiv *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Cottbus *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CPlymouth *Thu 02:17Low clouds. Cool.11 °C
Craiova *Thu 04:17Clear. Refreshingly cool.13 °CPlzen *Thu 03:17Cool.8 °C
Cuxhaven *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CPodgorica *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Darmstadt *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CPoitiers *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.13 °C
Daugavpils *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.0 °CPolotskThu 04:17Light rain. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °C
Debrecen *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.12 °CPoltava *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Delémont *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °CPonta Delgada *Thu 01:17Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C
Delmenhorst *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CPoprad *Thu 03:17Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Cool.8 °C
DenizliThu 04:17Clear. Cool.16 °CPorto *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Cool.14 °C
Dessau-Rosslau *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CPotsdam *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Detmold *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °CPoznan *Thu 03:17Light rain. Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
Deutschlandsberg *Thu 03:17Quite cool.5 °CPrague *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
Differdange *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CPrešov *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
Dinslaken *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CPrijedor *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
DiyarbakırThu 04:17Clear. Cool.10 °CPristina *Thu 03:17Cool.11 °C
Dnipro *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.9 °CPrizren *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Dormagen *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CPyatigorskThu 04:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
Dorsten *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CRamsey *Thu 02:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
Dortmund *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CRatingen *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Douglas *Thu 02:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °CRavensburg *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
Drammen *Thu 03:17Chilly.-4 °CRecklinghausen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Drogheda *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CRegensburg *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.9 °C
Dublin *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CRethymno *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.14 °C
Duisburg *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CReutlingen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Düren *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.9 °CReykjavikThu 01:17Ice fog. Chilly.0 °C
Durrës *Thu 03:17Clear. Quite cool.7 °CRheine *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Düsseldorf *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CRiga *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.0 °C
Edinburgh *Thu 02:17Light rain. Overcast. Quite cool.5 °CRijeka *Thu 03:17Cool.12 °C
Eferding *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.9 °CRimini *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °C
Eisenstadt *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.13 °CRivne *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °C
Elbasan *Thu 03:17Clear. Quite cool.7 °CRome *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.11 °C
ElistaThu 04:17Cool.10 °CRosenheim *Thu 03:17Cool.8 °C
Emden *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.11 °CRostock *Thu 03:17Fog. Quite cool.7 °C
Erfurt *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CRotterdam *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Erlangen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CRovaniemi *Thu 04:17Clear. Frigid.-14 °C
ErzurumThu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CRustaviThu 05:17Clear. Refreshingly cool.13 °C
Esch-sur-Alzette *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CSaarbrücken *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
EskişehirThu 04:17Clear. Quite cool.6 °CSaint Anne, Alderney *Thu 02:17Cool.12 °C
Espoo *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cold.-5 °CSaint Helier *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Cool.12 °C
Essen *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CSaint-PetersburgThu 04:17Passing clouds. Cold.-4 °C
Esslingen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CSalamanca *Thu 03:17Cool.8 °C
Ettelbruck *Thu 03:17Low clouds. Cool.8 °CSalerno *Thu 03:17Cool.12 °C
Euskirchen *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.9 °CSalihorskThu 04:17Light snow. Overcast. Chilly.3 °C
Feldbach *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.12 °CSalzburg *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.9 °C
Ferizaj *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.8 °CSalzgitter *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Flensburg *Thu 03:17Light rain. Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °CSamaraThu 05:17Clear. Cool.8 °C
Frankfurt *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CSamsunThu 04:17Clear. Cool.8 °C
Frauenfeld *Thu 03:17Quite cool.6 °CSan Marino *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °C
Freiburg *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.14 °CSan Sebastián de La Gomera *Thu 02:17Clear. Mild.18 °C
Freising *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CSandefjord *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Chilly.-1 °C
Freistadt *Thu 03:17Cool.8 °CSandvika *Thu 03:17Chilly.-4 °C
Fribourg *Thu 03:17Quite cool.7 °CSanta Cruz de Tenerife *Thu 02:17Clear. Cool.14 °C
Friedrichshafen *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °CSantander *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Mild.19 °C
Fulda *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °CSarajevo *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
Fürstenfeld *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.8 °CSarnen *Thu 03:17Sprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °C
Fürth *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CSassari *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.14 °C
Galway *Thu 02:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CSchaffhausen *Thu 03:17Cool.11 °C
Garbsen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CSchwäbisch Gmünd *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Gdańsk *Thu 03:17Light snow. Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °CSchweinfurt *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.13 °C
Gelsenkirchen *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CSchwerin *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °C
Geneva *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °CSchwyz *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.9 °C
Genoa *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.14 °CSérres *Thu 04:17Cool.10 °C
Gera *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °CSevastopolThu 04:17Clear. Cool.8 °C
Ghent *Thu 03:17Light rain. Overcast. Cool.10 °CShkodër *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.13 °C
Gibraltar *Thu 03:17Cool.16 °CSibiu *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Giessen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °CSiegen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
Gijón *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Mild.17 °CSimferopolThu 04:17Clear. Cool.8 °C
Gjakova *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CSindelfingen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Gjirokastër *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.13 °CSion *Thu 03:17Cool.8 °C
Gladbeck *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CSkopje *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.8 °C
Glarus *Thu 03:17Chilly.-2 °CSlavonski Brod *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °C
Glasgow *Thu 02:17Overcast. Quite cool.5 °CSligo *Thu 02:17Fog. Quite cool.7 °C
Gmünd *Thu 03:17Fog. Cool.10 °CSmolenskThu 04:17Light rain. Overcast. Chilly.1 °C
GomelThu 04:17Sprinkles. Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CSochiThu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Göppingen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CSofia *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Görlitz *Thu 03:17Cool.8 °CSolihull *Thu 02:17Rain. Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
Gothenburg *Thu 03:17Overcast. Chilly.0 °CSolingen *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Göttingen *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.10 °CSolothurn *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °C
Granada *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CSorrento *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.14 °C
Graz *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.12 °CSpeyer *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.12 °C
Greifswald *Thu 03:17Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °CSplit *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.14 °C
Grevenbroich *Thu 03:17Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °CSt. Gallen *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °C
Grieskirchen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CSt. Peter Port *Thu 02:17Scattered showers. Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
GrodnoThu 04:17Chilly.2 °CSt. Pölten *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Groningen *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °CStans *Thu 03:17Light rain. Partly cloudy. Cool.8 °C
GroznyThu 04:17Overcast. Cool.12 °CStara Zagora *Thu 04:17Overcast. Cool.13 °C
Gulbene *Thu 04:17Chilly.-1 °CStavanger *Thu 03:17Chilly.3 °C
Gütersloh *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °CStavropolThu 04:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
GyumriThu 05:17Clear. Chilly.1 °CStockholm *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cold.-5 °C
Hagen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CStolberg (Rheinland) *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Halle *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CStralsund *Thu 03:17Fog. Quite cool.7 °C
Hamburg *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CStrasbourg *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
Hameln *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CStuttgart *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Hamm *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CSubotica *Thu 03:17Refreshingly cool.14 °C
Hanau *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CSukhumiThu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.4 °C
Hannover *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CSumy *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
Haugesund *Thu 03:17Overcast. Chilly.4 °CSyktyvkarThu 04:17Clear. Chilly.4 °C
Heidelberg *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.12 °CSzczecin *Thu 03:17Light rain. Low clouds. Quite cool.5 °C
Heilbronn *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CSzeged *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.13 °C
Helsinki *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cold.-5 °CTallinn *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.-2 °C
Herford *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CTârgu Mureş *Thu 04:17Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
Herisau *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °CTartu *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.-2 °C
Herne *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CTbilisiThu 05:17Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
Herning *Thu 03:17Light rain. Low clouds. Chilly.3 °CTernopil *Thu 04:17Overcast. Cool.10 °C
Herten *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CThe Hague *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Hildesheim *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CThessaloniki *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
HöfnThu 01:17Passing clouds. Chilly.1 °CTimișoara *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.11 °C
Hradec Králové *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.9 °CTirana *Thu 03:17Clear. Quite cool.7 °C
Huelva *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.13 °CTiraspol *Thu 04:17Clear. Quite cool.7 °C
Hugh Town *Thu 02:17Light rain. Overcast. Cool.10 °CTórshavn *Thu 02:17Light snow. Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °C
Humenné *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °CToulouse *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.11 °C
Hürth *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.9 °CTrabzonThu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
Iași *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CTrier *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
Ibiza *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.13 °CTrieste *Thu 03:17Cool.13 °C
Ingolstadt *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °CTroisdorf *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
Innsbruck *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CTromsø *Thu 03:17Clear. Cold.-12 °C
Ioannina *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.12 °CTrondheim *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cold.-6 °C
Iráklion *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.13 °CTskhinvaliThu 04:17Cool.10 °C
Iserlohn *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CTübingen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
IstanbulThu 04:17Clear. Refreshingly cool.14 °CTulaThu 04:17Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
Ivano-Frankivsk *Thu 04:17Clear. Quite cool.7 °CTurin *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °C
IzhevskThu 05:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °CTuzla *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Jaén *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CUlm *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
Jelgava *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.0 °CUnna *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Jena *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CUppsala *Thu 03:17Clear. Cold.-6 °C
Joensuu *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cold.-8 °CUster *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °C
Kaiserslautern *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CÚstí nad Labem *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °C
KaliningradThu 03:17Passing clouds. Chilly.1 °CUtrecht *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °C
Kamianske *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.9 °CUzhgorod *Thu 04:17Overcast. Cool.10 °C
Kaposvár *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CVaduz *Thu 03:17Cool.11 °C
Kassel *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.10 °CValladolid *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.8 °C
Kaunas *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.1 °CValletta *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.14 °C
KazanThu 04:17Clear. Quite cool.5 °CValmiera *Thu 04:17Chilly.-1 °C
Kecskemét *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.13 °CValverde *Thu 02:17Passing clouds. Mild.20 °C
KeflavíkThu 01:17Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.0 °CVanadzorThu 05:17Clear. Chilly.1 °C
Kemi *Thu 04:17Clear. Frigid.-20 °CVarna *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Kempten *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °CVatican City *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.11 °C
Kerpen *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.9 °CVelbert *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Kharkiv *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.10 °CVenice *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.12 °C
Kherson *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.8 °CVentspils *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.1 °C
Khmelnytskyi *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CVerona *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.8 °C
Kiel *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.9 °CVersailles *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.13 °C
Kilkenny *Thu 02:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CVestmannaeyjarThu 01:17Chilly.2 °C
Kiruna *Thu 03:17Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Frigid.-13 °CVicenza *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
Klagenfurt *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.8 °CVidin *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Klaipėda *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.1 °CVienna *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.12 °C
Klaksvík *Thu 02:17Light snow. Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °CViersen *Thu 03:17Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °C
Koblenz *Thu 03:17Quite cool.7 °CVila Nova de Gaia *Thu 02:17Partly cloudy. Cool.14 °C
Kohtla-Järve *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.-3 °CVillach *Thu 03:17Chilly.-4 °C
Köniz *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CVilnius *Thu 04:17Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °C
Konstanz *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °CVinnytsia *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.11 °C
Korçë *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.11 °CVitebskThu 04:17Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.1 °C
Košice *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CVladimirThu 04:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
Kragujevac *Thu 03:17Cool.11 °CVlorë *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.12 °C
Kraków *Thu 03:17Light rain. Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CVolgogradThu 04:17Clear. Cool.8 °C
Kranj *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CWarsaw *Thu 03:17Clear. Chilly.1 °C
Krefeld *Thu 03:17Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °CWeimar *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Kumanovo *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.8 °CWesel *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
Kuressaare *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.-1 °CWiesbaden *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °C
KutaisiThu 05:17Overcast. Cool.12 °CWinterthur *Thu 03:17Partly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
Kyiv *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CWismar *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °C
Kyrenia *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.15 °CWitten *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Langenfeld (Rheinland) *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °CWoerden *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °C
Larnaca *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.15 °CWolfsburg *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Larvik *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Chilly.-1 °CWorms *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.12 °C
Las Palmas (ES-Canary) *Thu 02:17Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CWroclaw *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Lausanne *Thu 03:17Cool.9 °CWuppertal *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Leeds *Thu 02:17Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CWürzburg *Thu 03:17Light rain. Partly cloudy. Cool.10 °C
Leipzig *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °CYeghegnadzorThu 05:17Clear. Refreshingly cool.13 °C
Letterkenny *Thu 02:17Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CYerevanThu 05:17Clear. Refreshingly cool.13 °C
Leverkusen *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CYoshkar-OlaThu 04:17Overcast. Cool.9 °C
Liberec *Thu 03:17Cool.8 °CZagreb *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.10 °C
Liepāja *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.1 °CZaporizhia *Thu 04:17Clear. Cool.9 °C
Liestal *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CZenica *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °C
Limassol *Thu 04:17Clear. Mild.17 °CZhytomyr *Thu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Limerick *Thu 02:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CZug *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °C
Lincoln *Thu 02:17Overcast. Cool.8 °CZürich *Thu 03:17Cool.10 °C
Linz *Thu 03:17Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CZwickau *Thu 03:17Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °C
LipetskThu 04:17Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CŠiauliai *Thu 04:17Overcast. Chilly.-1 °C
Lippstadt *Thu 03:17Overcast. Cool.10 °CŽilina *Thu 03:17Clear. Cool.8 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (507 places).

Thu = Thursday, 4 April 2024 (574 places).

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